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Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Actual book launch, Saturday - Virtual launch coming soon

Only three more days now until the actual book launch on Saturday. I hope there is nothing that I’ve overlooked in preparation. My niece is catering for the day and she is planning a lovely morning tea - sandwiches, scones, cake and biscuits with tea, coffee and soft drinks. I’ve tried to keep formalities simple and brief, so that the occasion is relaxed and casual - a speech that takes around 10 minutes and two readings, so 20 - 25 minutes should see it all done. The other hour and a half can be selling, signing, mingling, eating and catching up with friends and family.
The only thing I’m a tiny bit concerned about is available space in the hall, as I have had such a good response in regard to people attending. The hall accommodates 100 for a function, but I will have a few tables and chairs taking up some space. There are 56 definitely attending, 3 ‘maybes’ and there are always a few people who turn up without telling you that they’re coming.
In regard to the planning of the Virtual launch, I feel a little bit daunted and excited at the same time. I’ve never planned a Facebook event before and have been reading any resources I can find online for useful tips and ideas. It seems strange to think of hosting a launch in cyberspace while I’m sitting here at home all by myself. Maybe I should ask a few friends around to help create actual party vibe.
Meanwhile I have been thrilled to have Mine to Avenge up on Amazon with a great review, but a bit disappointed because Amazon had technical problems with the cover. Apparently they were unable to work with the lighter brown band around the base of the cover (see photo below), and asked the designers to remove it.  So buyers through Amazon won’t get the cover as originally designed.
I was also excited when I found that a Goodreads member has chosen Mine to Avenge for her ‘To Read’ shelf, based on the wonderful first review posted there.
If you think you might like to drop in on the Virtual book launch, please drop by and Like my author page so that you will receive an invitation when I have chosen a date.

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