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Saturday, 4 May 2013

Time for Mine to Avenge to stand alone

Authors really love, appreciate and need our readers. Without them our work remains only a labour of love - a product of our own personal drive and motivation. 

I have very much appreciated the readers who have read Mine to Avenge and posted reviews, as this is what gets the word out to other readers, and turns our work into so much more than that labour of love. 

I am currently seeking more reviewers willing to review my book, and am willing to forward a free version for Kindle to any reader willing to read and review my book on places such as Amazon and Goodreads. I am prepared to give away one copy per week to readers willing to put up their hands to help out. The first three weeks are already covered. Please let me know whether or not you are interested, but please be genuine in your request and don't ask to be included on my list if you are not able to review or don't plan to. If I get a lot of responses, I will keep everyone on a standby list, and offer you a spot on the list if someone drops off or changes their mind about wanting to do the review. 

I am now at a stage where I am wanting to devote more energy to the sequel, and it is time for Mine to Avenge to start standing alone. As a self-publisher I will still be promoting my book now and again, but I hope to do this mainly via reader reviews, so I can concentrate more on my writing again.

Please let me know if you'd like to be on my reviewer list either by contacting me by one of the following ways - 

1. Fill in the Review Copies form on my website -  here
2. Message me on my Facebook Page

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