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Friday, 12 April 2013

Liebster Blog Award - Mark 2

Today I'm thrilled to be responding to my second nomination for the Liebster Blog Award. I only recently responded to a nomination I received last year for the same award, as I overlooked it in a period of busy-ness at the time the nomination originally came through. 

However, I am very excited to have been nominated a second time for my blog, A Novel Journey, this time by Red Nomad OZ of Amazing Australian Adventures. Red’s blog is well worth a visit if you want to find out more about Australia. I can almost guarantee that if you live outside of Australia, you’ll want to book a ticket after being to her blog, and if you already live here, well, you’ll be tempted to throw in your day job and get on the road to visit the wonderful places she talks about.

At the risk of some repetition for those who read this blog regularly, I will reiterate what the Liebster Blog Award is about for the visitors to this post. The Liebster Blog Award is an award bestowed upon bloggers by bloggers, the word Liebster being German, meaning ‘sweetest’, ‘kindest’, ‘dearest,’ ‘beloved’, ‘lovely’, ‘kind’, ‘pleasant’, ‘valued’, ‘cute’ and  ‘endearing’. The award encourages bloggers to continue on with their work in the blogging world, acknowledges them as gifted bloggers in their own right, and by nominating bloggers, you indicate that they are some of your personal favourites.

Here is how the award works:
  • The nominated blogger must post 11 facts about themselves.
  • They must then answer 11 questions from the blogger who nominated them.
  • Then nominate 11 bloggers and give them 11 questions to answer.
  • Link to your chosen 11 bloggers in your blog post. 
  • Let them know you have nominated them.
  • Don't nominate the blogger who nominated you.
11 Facts about me:
  1. I founded a Horse and Pony Club in my home town when I was 13 years old. We didn't have one, and I wanted one. I was a bit of a 'make it happen' kind of girl from a very young age.
  2. As a child I liked to breed guinea pigs - actually they did that themselves without any help from me, other than the matchmaking and the introductions. 
  3. My first job was a regular summertime job - cutting apricots when a teenager. I did this every summer.
  4. My favourite comfort food is my Mum's creamed rice.
  5. I was an adventurous child and sometimes had my five sisters and brothers racing around the local township following treasure hunts I set up.
  6. Autumn is my favourite time of the year.
  7. I love to read historical fiction.
  8. I love going to live theater, but don't go often enough.
  9. I kept a diary for many years after reading The Diary of Anne Frank.
  10. The first story I ever wrote (that I can actually remember) was a story about going on a holiday to Fiji. I think it was for a newspaper competition.
  11. I still own a VCR and use it regularly to watch old movies that I haven't yet replaced with DVDs.
Answer's to Red's questions to me:

Question 1: What's your favourite colour?
Answer: Green - definitely green.
Question 2: What is the absolute BEST thing to eat?
Answer: Always and forever - smoked salmon. Just writing about it means that it's highly likely I'll go out and buy some later today.

Question 3: You're on a desert island and you can choose one person to join you. Who is it? 
Answer:  This doesn't specify real or fictional, so I will choose a fictional character because their character is largely confined to what is written about them - you know what you're going to get - no surprises. I'd choose Captain Wilton Parmenter from the 60s TV comedy, F-Troop. He is so cheerful and accommodating and always makes me laugh. He's always so gullible too, so I'd always get my own way, without trying too hard.

Question 4: What scares you rigid?
Answer: Having to do role-plays whenever I do work training of any sort.

Question 5: What's your favourite way to pass the time on a long journey.
Answer: I'll be able to answer that better after my trip from Australia to Europe later this year, but I think reading and crossword puzzles are pretty good. 

Question 6: Where are you going for your next holiday"
Answer: See previous question - EUROPE!!! Especially Paris.

Question 7: If you were to visit and/or travel in Australia, what would you most like to see?
Answer: I'd like to spend some time in Perth, in Western Australia, but not in the summer, if their last one can be used as a guide. 

Question 8: What's your favourite book?
Answer: Random Harvest by James Hilton.

Question 9: What's your most popular blog post (define that however you like!)?
Answer: Probably a couple of posts that haven't been posted yet - scheduled for the upcoming Mine to Avenge blog tour. I have written two character interviews with two of the main characters from the novel. they were such fun to do.

Question 10: What was your mo st embarrassing moment?
Answer: This was easy to decide. I was about 17 or 18 when the movie 'Grease' first came out, and at the time I was living in a tertiary accommodation hostel. I had a crush on the spunky Italian guy living in the room next door to mine, and he took me to see the movie. I dressed up to look the part in a gold full-skirted sixties style dress, but while we were standing around in the foyer waiting for the movie to start, my half-slip elastic broke, and the slip ended up in a silken heap around my ankles, with the full golden skirt essentially transparent. I somehow managed to fix it to sit through the movie, but I know I didn't remember it much at the time. I didn't leave my room for about a week after that, having my friends bring meals to my room instead. 

Question 11: What's your favourite quote?
Answer: At the moment, it's the Winston Churchill quote I use at the front of my novel - 'Nothing is more costly, nothing is more sterile, than vengeance.'

Here are the questions for the bloggers at the blogs I've tagged:
  1. Who knows you best in life?
  2. If you could spend your life doing anything you like, what would it be?
  3. What is your earliest memory?
  4. What lifts you up when you are feeling down?
  5. What are you most thankful for in life?
  6. If you were given $1000, what would you spend it on?
  7. Are you a hot weather person or a cold weather person?
  8. Name one thing on your bucket list.
  9. What is your favourite movie?
  10. What is your favourite 'get away from it all place'?
  11. What piece of advice do you hand out most often?
Here are the 11 blogs I've tagged:

Have fun responding to this, bloggers, and keep up the good work with your very entertaining blogs.


  1. Thank you so much for nominating my book blog, Carpe Librum. I've answered your questions and passed on the love today, and nominated 11 bloggers. You can see the post here:
    Thanks again Kerry, I really appreciate it!!

    1. My pleasure, Tracey. I have visited your blog and enjoyed reading your responses. Thanks for passing it on and encouraging others.

  2. Hi Kerry! Sorry I've taken so long to respond - thanx so much for 'playing'!! I've learned quite a few things about you I didn't know, and I look forward to catching up with the bloggers you've nominated!!

    PS It's interesting how the rules change, isn't it? Just like a long & involved game of Chinese Whispers ...

    1. Yes, it's fun, but very time consuming. I'm happy to have been nominated twice, but I don't think I have it in me to go through it all again. It has been fun reading the responses of those who chose to 'play' but not everyone did - obviously because of how much time it can take up.
