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Saturday, 23 June 2012

Which cover would YOU buy?

I have been having a lot of difficulty making up my mind about the cover design for Mine to Avenge. Originally I thought I had made up my mind, but after a few weeks I began to think of a few changes and asked the publishers if they could accommodate the changes for me, so that I would have two to choose from. It took a few weeks to get the changes right. It is very difficult to get ideas out of your head and into the creative mind of another person, but it was finally done. The only thing is, I can’t make up my mind at all as I quite like both versions. So I thought I would post them both and invite people to comment on which you prefer. Please leave a comment either here on the blog or feed back to me at Twitter @kletheby



  1. I like the top one personally - don't know why, it was just the one saying 'pick me'.

    1. Thank you for that - it seems to be the favourite all round so far.

  2. I agree with chrishillauthor, the white cover is more subtle and intriguing.

    1. Interesting comments - thank you. It seems to be the most popular from the feedback I have had so far.

  3. I found you via Sean Chandler's blog. I agree about the top image. You have many dissimilar visual elements going on in both, but for me, white background holds them all in a sort of visual calm. The black background draws attention to how unlike one another the different pieces are by its strong contrast. Good luck!!

    1. Thank you for the thought provoking comments, Helen.

  4. Yes, I would definitely say the white one. It just looks better!

    1. Thank you Elaine. I am thinking now of going the way of public opinion and staying with the white. After all, they are the ones who will hopefully buy it.

  5. Honestly, I think I like the dark one better, but then that's because I like dark, broody covers. In terms of your story and selling book in general, the white one is probably the better choice, though they both look awesome! Whichever you pick, I'm sure will be the right one.

    By the way, I nominated you for the Liebster Blog award! Visit my blog at to see what to do next! :D

    1. Thanks Liesel. I thought that asking people to help me choose the cover would be a good idea, but it has only made things harder! They are only 2 votes apart so opinion is evenly divided. I will follow up with your blog when I can.

  6. my first thought was the dark one considering the story to be contained within but I think the lighter has an elegance about it.

    By the way, I am enjoying the teasers - can't wait for the book!!

    1. Thanks Ursula. Glad you've signed up to the blog. See you on the bus!
